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National Path.Finder Consortium


Oral Gold/Auranofin

Name of the treatment you are taking:

Oral Gold, Auranofin (Ridaura)

Why are you taking oral gold?

These tablets are used to treat arthritis and inflammatory disease. They are thought to slow down disease activity and reduce inflammation. They do not have direct pain relieving effect so you may need to continue with your other pain relieving tablets as directed by your Doctor .

How should I take oral gold?

Swallow the tablets whole with water and take after food at about the same time each day. Do not crush or chew these tablets. Remember to always take the number of tablets the Doctor has told you. You may start with one tablet in the morning, this is usually increased to one tablet twice daily.

How long will I need to take oral gold?

Generally for long term at the Doctor's discretion. When you have maintained a significant improvement (remission) for a suitably long period we may decrease the dose and then stop.

How long will it take to work?

Oral Gold may take 3 months to work. Do not become discouraged if the effect is not immediate.

What do I do if I forget to take oral gold?

Miss that dose and take the next dose at the usual time.

Can I take alcohol with oral gold?

Alcohol may be taken in moderation.

Are there any side effects from oral gold?

All drugs may have side effects but not everyone will experience them. With these tablets the following have been reported:

  1. Diarrhoea
  2. Rash
  3. Nausea
  4. Vomiting
  5. Metallic taste
  6. Sore mouth
  7. Indigestion
  8. Bruising
  9. Changes in urine and blood

These side effects are rare, but we need to check regularly the blood and urine and ask you to attend for these tests weekly for 4 weeks and then monthly.

Can I take other medicines with oral gold?

Please check with your Doctor and Pharmacist about any other tablets you may be taking.Avoid taking indigestion medicine (ant-acids) at the same time of the day as these tablets. Allow 1 -2 hours. Do not take any other medicine without asking your Doctor or Pharmacist. You may take non steroidal anti- inflammatory preparations eg, Lederfen, Voltarol, Indocid, Reliflex, Naprosyn, Clinoril, Brufen, etc. as prescribed by your Doctor .

Can I start a family?

Women: If you want to start a family please contact your General Practitioner with a view to changing your medicine.

Your responsibility

If is your responsibility to visit your General Practitioner for regular blood and urine tests. The usual recommendation is to have weekly blood and urine tests for 4 weeks and then monthly as long as treatment is continued. This is for your own protection as these tablets may affect your blood count or kidneys. If you are not able to attend for this blood or urine test please contact your General Practitioner or Sister Spark.

What else do I need to know?
  1. Never allow yourself to run out of tablets.
  2. Always take your treatment as instructed.
  3. It is necessary for you to attend your General Practitioner or Hospital to monitor the effects of these tablets. This includes blood and urine tests.
  4. Always keep medicines out of the reach of children.
  5. Never give your tablets to other people. This treatment is especially for you.
  6. If you no longer require your tablets take them to your Pharmacist who will dispose of them.

Wirral Hospital NHS Trust
Rheumatology Services
Dr T D Kennedy - Consultant Rheumatologist
Dr E George - Consultant Rheumatologist

Any further queries please telephone:
Specialist Nurses Rheumatology
Direct Telephone Number: 0151 604 7195
Clinical Services Pharmacist
Tel No: 678 5111, ext 2445

Document Information
Expiry Date: 11/04/04
Author: Richards, Sue. Sr
Organisation: Wirral Hospital Trust